Monday 10 December 2012

Linda the Go(o)d(wo)man

Eons ago I read a book by Linda Goodman about Zodiac signs and I had completely bought into it. Loved it so much and could relate it so much that I almost self-indoctrinated myself with the science (or should I say art!) of zodiac signs. I remember following zodiac signs part of the news paper everyday and trying to understand life based on zodiac signs!

To be very honest, I still think a part of me believes in zodiacal signs and people behaviors. But then, "Confirmation bias" could be playing a huge role in convincing me that people are all about their zodiacal signs. For the uninitiated, confirmation bias is a scary new word I've learnt that says that in your zest to generalize and arrive at a pattern you interpret everything in a way that is in line with your belief. So, in my case, I probably wanted to internalize the concept so badly that everything I saw asked me to relate it to zodiacal signs.

Anyway, after all these years, I've got the same feeling again. I'm very very familiar with this feeling, the feeling that says.. "Aah, so true, this is what it is all about". This time around though, it's Myer-Briggs personality test. Myer-Briggs is a scientifically established test that describes people based on Extravertedness, Feelings, Sensitivity, Thinking , perception and a few more types. I'm an ESFP apparently and I was absolutely zapped by reading typical characteristics of this personality type.

It's hit me hard I have to say, hard as in wow what a cool theory! Hope I find the time one day to internalize it. But for now, love the feeling :)

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