Saturday 7 September 2013

Self drawn boundaries

Read a great story about boundaries that we draw for ourselves and continue to live in it just because we are accustomed to living inside. It isn't something new, but the story resonated with me because I believe today I cracked one such boundary in my life. A boundary that when extended gives me enough space to express my values and beliefs. I should have re-drawn this eons ago, but I guess my focus was else where. Better late than never they say, but I am so glad I did!

I hope I've made it clear and vague enough at the same time. That was intentional! Anyway, here is the story...

Once upon a time, a fierce forest tiger caused a village to live in terror. It ate livestock at will, and even killed several children and adults. The villagers hired a hunter, and trapped the tiger. Respecting life, they built a stout bamboo cage for him in the center of the village. 
      For many years, the tiger slept, and paced endlessly around the cage. The grandchildren of the original villagers finally said - our tiger is old and toothless. We should let him return to his forest to die in peace. They dismantled the cage, and all gathered to see their old friend set free.
      The tiger was bewildered. He looked around at the strange bar-less scene, and at the nearby forest. Then he resumed pacing his measured square, walking the boundaries of the cage that was no longer there. 

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