Friday 14 February 2014

I am 20

First, kindly watch the video...


This video was shot in 1967 and all the people you see are 20 year old Indians. I was touched by this video and I was thoroughly impressed by the guy who is sitting with some books on chemistry and calculus. Towards the end, he refers to Kennedy and talks about being part of a great experiment, I thought that was brilliant. I was particularly amazed by their level of maturity, clarity and depth of their thoughts. Eloquence was another thing that stumped me.

I wonder what 20 year old kids of the current generation would say? Would they be able to articulate their feelings so succinctly and have such strong opinions about important things in life. I've heard that a lot of kids in their early teens dream about being on X-factor in the UK! I wonder if young people are dumbing down over generations.

I often argue that we (me rather!!) live in a sensationalizing era. We consume too much unnecessary information and use our brains like junk yards. We cater too much to our visual senses, as in watching gory videos, fb, news and what not and give very little time for deep thoughts. The older generation probably did not have as many distractions as much as we do now. They had time to tell stories to each other, to connect the dots and create meaningful ends. I think we struggle with too much breadth.

Confirmation bias being confirmation bias, what I've picked up from the video really is that you need to slow down and limit the number of sensations to be able to think deeply and build solid perspectives. Damn you my confirmation bias!!

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