Friday 18 April 2014

Lie to me...

I am not a big fan of Tele and I don't quite enjoy following any TV series much. My fav channels are usually the news or sports channels and I struggle to follow the friends, the scrubs and the other tv series that people seem to like and follow. Not that they are bad or something, just that I've tried it a few times and I just don't seem to get it.

But, there is one TV series I've started following recently and I am just in awe of the series. It is called "Lie to Me" and is based on the work of Dr. Paul Eckman on human emotions. His book telling lies is a great read, I've probably spent a couple of hours reading the book and his explanation of physiological reactions to emotions is very interesting.

For instance, have you ever noticed people smile during an argument? And the other people involved in the argument get annoyed because they see it as a smirk and not a smile? Eckman's explanation is that for some people anger is a very strong emotion and during an argument, they may not be able to express it well and the body may react by camouflaging the anger with a smile! And the worst part is, the physiological reactions are sometimes beyond your control!! And then what happens is that the entire argument falls apart and the focus shifts to the smirk or smile - depending on who you are in the argument.

Interesting stuff, wish I had the time to explore this further. I would definitely love to get better at understanding and dealing with different people. Anyway, if you can't read the book, try and at least watch the TV series.


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